How does it work?

Simply navigate to our Courses page [link] and choose a course that interests you. Click 'Add to basket' and you will be taken to the payment page. Once you've paid for your course, you'll be given access to our online learning portal which will contain all of the courses you have purchased from us. All of our courses are in the process of becoming CPD accredited by CPDuk. Choose a self-directed course to undertake in your own time, or a blended learning course which is run on a sessional basis. You will have 12 months to access your course with us. Once you've completed your course, we will send you a certificate which you can use for CPD points.

Who are the courses for?

Our courses are for anyone working in a helping, protecting, serving or caring profession looking to improve their knowledge and skills. Our courses are rooted in reflective study and contemplative practice and we ask you to think deeply about your role and those you work with, applying the knowledge you have gained into your day to day practice. Each course is individual and will suit some people better than others. If you’re not sure, please Contact Us.

What are my learning options?

Our courses are split into three categories; self-directed courses, trainer-led learning and a hybrid of the two.

Self directed: these courses are entirely online and are not session-based. You can undertake them whenever and wherever you are, using your phone, tablet or laptop. You can take up to a year to complete a course.

Trainer-led: these courses are held online and you will work through the content as you would a self-directed course. However, each Unit of learning is lead by a trainer and you will be in an online group. You will submit assignments by specific dates and you can engage in discussions with other members of the group during the live training. You can undertake these using your phone, tablet or laptop.

Hybrid: these courses are split into two. Much of the content, tools, and resources are held online and you will complete the course as you would with a self-directed course. However, these courses are run to a schedule and you must submit assignments by specific dates and attend live online training in order to complete the course. You can also undertake these using your phone, tablet or laptop.

We also offer tailored learning for workforces, please see Our Services for further details.

How do I register?

Registering is simple! Just head over to our Courses page, choose a course and click 'Add to basket'. Once payment has been made, you are registered on the course by us.

How do I register more than one person?

If you'd like to register more than one person, please Contact Us. We offer generous discounts for group orders, making it easier to provide training and CPD for small teams up to whole workforces.

What payment options are there?

We accept Paypal and Global Payments. You can use any major credit or debit card with both of these services. We also accept payment by invoice, although we will delay access to the course materials until the payment has been received.

What accreditation will I receive?

We are proud to be members of CPD UK and listed as one of their course providers. Each course is in the process of being audited by CPD UK and you will receive approximately one CPD point for every hour of study with us. If you need any further clarification, please Contact Us.

Do I receive a certificate?

Once you have completed your course, we will send you a CPD certificate in PDF format to evidence your learning.

How long do I have to complete my course?

When you purchase a course, you have 12 months in which to complete this, regardless of whether it is a self-directed course or blended learning. If something comes up which makes this a problem, please Contact Us and we can try to help out where we can.

What are the minimum technical requirements needed to access my course?

To access your course you will need a tablet or laptop which has an up-to-date browser on it. We recommend Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, or Mozilla Firefox. We do not recommend Internet Explorer to access a course.

You can also access your course using the Brightspace Pulse app, allowing you to continue your learning on the go! Download the app for iOs here or Android here

We would recommend you have headphones on whilst listening to any videos throughout the course, as some may contain sensitive information. You'll also need a notepad and pen.

How do I access technical support?

To access technical support, please log a ticket with our Helpdesk explaining the problem, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

How do I request a refund?

As per our Terms of Sale, we can usually only accept a refund request if you have not accessed the course materials. This is usual when purchasing digital content.

However, we also understand that sometimes things happen which make life difficult. If this is the case, please contact us and we will see if we can find an alternative solution. We are here to support you in your learning and development and want you to get the most out of your time with us.